Saturday, February 24, 2007

Beautiful Brazil

My time in Brazil was filled with many adventures and memories that I will never forget. From canoeing down the Imbassi River, swimming along pristine beaches, rainforest hiking (and having to cross scary rivers), hanging out with locals, and dancing in the streets during Carnaval, it is hard not to reflect on all the good times. However, there were many things which could not escape my attention, many of them disturbing. As a third world country, I knew not to expect much. There are areas though that are very rich in terms of wealth, like Praia do Forte and most of Rio de Janeiro. Most, though, are not so fortunate. Millions of Brazilians live with very little. Having electricity and running water is considered a luxury…but it is interesting to note that over 80% of homes have a television set. I guess for me I was shocked to see the level of inequality, something that I have never really seen. From my travels to Belize and Mexico, as well as other areas, I felt like I had seen disturbing sights, but those are unmatched to those in Salvador. Don’t get me wrong, it is a very beautiful city with gorgeous architecture and churches. It is when I looked deeper, into the eyes of the street children, that I saw the hurt of this country. Having money for food let alone anything else is their daily struggle…where as I think back on my “struggles” which put everything into perspective. And I guess that is what the Brazilians have to do. They wake up each morning and go into the street, and fight to survive. Personally, I feel that these people who do not have much material wise, have many things that the rich don’t. They have perseverance, faith, and hope that maybe they will live another day. Talk about living for the moment! Of course it is hard to not want to celebrate life when Carnaval is going on. This is a week long celebration before Lent begins to get all the chaos and disorder out of their systems and everyone can be seen dancing and enjoying each other’s company. Participating in this festival, the largest attended festival in the world was remarkable. There is nothing to compare it to because it was so unique. Again, the majority of Brazilians do not have much but they have each other and their culture is alive and well. Thank you to all the beautiful people in Brazil for an amazing and unforgettable time!


Anonymous said...

Katie, It sounds like you had a great time. I am glad to hear you didn't get any leeches on you. Have a great time. Love you Mama

Anonymous said...

KAtie it is great to hear from you and see you in your picture. While you are basking in the tropics we got about 8 inches of snow today. All is well and I enjoying hearing from you.

Love Dad

The Stainbrooks said...

sounds like your travels so far have been amazing! i'm so excited to see what is yet to come my dear! love you lot's and be safe babe!
love ya

Anonymous said...

Ah Katie, I've just finished reading through your blog...What a voyage!! I simply love the picture of you and Desmond Tutu. I'll see your mom this week and get "THE BOOK"... looking foward to the read and more of your journey. Keep 'GLOWING' and have fun,