Nobel Peace Prize Winner Desmond Tutu will be sailing with us for the entire voyage. Serving as Distinguished Lecturer in Residence, Archbishop Tutu will be a guest lecturer in courses including anthropology, history, religion, and political science. He will also present a series of lectures between Brazil and South Africa. "I have had and will have again this coming spring the good fortune to be a small part of a wonderful experiment in education called Semester at Sea," said Archbishop Tutu, who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1984."The mission of this grand experiment has been to foster greater intercultural understanding by exposing its participants-young and old, students and faculty-to people and cultures around the world while providing them with a sea-going classroom in which to study and absorb what they've seen and learned."
Along Desmond Tutu's teachings...I will be taking four classes:
- Global Studies
- Global Public Health
- Mass Communication: Global Setting
- Health Promotion
We will have class every day that we are on the ship and are required to do field practica in all the countries. There are 650 other students from around the US and world joining me.
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